Lisansüstü Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Lisansüstü Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

*Bu SSS şu anda yalnızca İngilizce olarak mevcuttur, sorularınız varsa Türkçe destek için lütfen program asistanlarıyla iletişime geçiniz.

1. Can candidates from different backgrounds apply to the program?
Yes, but obviously psychology knowledge will help you with the program. People with no psychology background at all may be asked to take some extra courses at the beginning of their program.

2. Is there a minimum undergraduate GPA requirement?
Not a formal one, no. But please note that our program is highly competitive.

3. I've seen that Research Plan is one of the application requirements. For candidates with different backgrounds like myself, is this requirement still valid? Could you please give some information about the details of the research plan expected?
We don’t have a specific format for this, and we understand that if you’re not a psychology major you might not format your references etc. in quite the right way. We simply want to see how you think, how you write, and what your interests are. Write a few pages of formal English to say what topic you’re planning to study and the current state of the literature, what your hypotheses are, and your plans regarding methodology and analysis.
Please note that your Research Plan is non-binding: you can change your topic when you come to start your thesis. You also do not have to choose your supervisor at the application stage.

4. I have a GMAT score instead of GRE. Is it possible to apply with a GMAT score?
GRE is needed. 

5. I’m a SU graduate, do I still need to supply references? Can it be you?
Yes, and yes. It’s a legal requirement to collect equal documentation for all applicants, and the references allow us to have reliable communication amongst ourselves about how good our graduates are!

6. What courses will you open?
All students will take general masters courses on data analysis, trends in psychology, and seminars; then they will take elective courses which fit their track. We are planning to open cognitive track courses on Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology; EEG Methods and Analysis; Memory and Attention; Culture and Cognition; Visual Cognition; and Language and Communication. The social track is planning to open Social Development, Social Cognition, Personal Relationships, Intergroup Relationships, and Selected Topics in Social Psychology.  Again, we may not be able to open all of those. 

7. Are scholarships available for the Master’s and Ph.D. programs?
Yes! You may check more details here.

8. What are the application requirements?
For the Master's Program, please check the school’s official page here.
For the Ph.D. Program, please check the school's official page here.
9. What are tuition fees?
Please check this webpage, but be aware that full and partial scholarships are available and the tuition fees are subject to change.
10. When will the application system open?
The application process for the Graduate School of Social Sciences 2024-2025 Fall term has started. All applications are due on May 24, 2024. We are also planning to have interviews on June 3, 2024 (MS) and June 4, 2024 (PhD), but those dates will be officially announced later. The application deadline has been extended to June 7, 2024. Consequently, we postponed our online interviews to June 10 and 11, 2024.
11. My English is not very good. Can I still apply?
All courses will be taught in English, so if you are really not comfortable with communicating in English, Sabancı might not be the best fit for you. We require the English exam scores, so technically, you can leave the decision to the admission committee too.
12. Do I need a Master’s degree to apply to the Ph.D. program?
Currently, applicants are required to have a Master’s degree to apply to our Ph.D. Program. The regulations may change in the following years.

13. What are the interview dates for Master's and the Ph.D. program?  
We are planning to have interviews on June 3, 2024 (M.S.) and June 4, 2024 (Ph.D.), but those dates will be officially announced later.  As the official application deadline has been extended to June 7, 2024, we postponed our online interviews to June 10 and 11, 2024.