Olesya Blazhenkova
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty Member
(216) 483 9000 / 3183
Personal Web


Faculty Member

2006 - 2008, PhD in Psychology, George Mason University, USA

2002 - 2005, MA in Psychology, Rutgers University, USA

1991 - 1996, BS & MS in Psychology, Moscow State University, Russia

Areas of Interest

My research focuses on individual differences in visualization abilities and styles, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. It investigates the dissociation between different types of visualization among individuals of different ages and specializations. Specifically, I am interested in the differences between object visualization (representation and processing of the literal appearances of objects in terms of their pictorial properties such as shape, color, and texture) and spatial visualization (representation and processing of spatial relations, locations of objects in space, and spatial transformations). My research includes studies with children, college students and members of different professions that involve group, individual, quantitative and qualitative assessment. RESEARCH AREA KEYWORDS: Visual-spatial cognition; Visual Imagery; Visualization abilities; Individual differences; Imagery Development; Boundary Extension.


American Psychological Association Psychonomic Society

Book Section / Chapter

Blazhenkova, O. &  Kozhevnikov, M. (2011) "Intellectual Styles in Members of Different Professions". In Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking, ed. Li-Fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg, Stephen Rayner. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Blazhenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Becker, M. (2011). Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal cognitive styles in children and adolescences. Learning and Individual Differences, 21 (3), 281-287.

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M.  (2010). Visual-object ability: A new dimension of non-verbal intelligence. Cognition, 117 (3), 276-301.

Kozhevnikov, M., Blazhenkova, O., & Becker, M. (2010). Trade-off in Object versus Spatial Visualization Abilities: Restriction in the Development of Visual Processing Resources. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17, 29-35. 

Blazhenkova, O. & Kozhevnikov, M. (2009). The new object-spatial-verbal cognitive style model: Theory and measurement. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23 (5), 638-663. 

Kozhevnikov, M., Blazhenkova, O., Royan, J., & Gorbunov, A.  (2008). The Role of Immersivity in Three-Dimensional Mental Rotation.  Proceedings of the Third International Conference  on Design Computing and Cognition. Gero, John S., Goel, Ashok K. (Eds.), 738p. 

Blajenkova, O., Kozhevnikov, M., & Motes, M. A. (2006). Object-spatial imagery: A new self-report imagery questionnaire. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 239-263. 

Kozhevnikov, M., Motes, M., Rasch, B., & Blajenkova, O. (2006). Perspective-taking vs. mental rotation transformations and how they predict spatial navigation performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 397–417. 

Blajenkova, O., Motes, M., & Kozhevnikov, M. (2005). Individual differences in the representations of novel environments.  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25, 97-109.