This is one of a series of term-courses reviewing sources relevant for the study of Ottoman and Turkish history in different periods, as well as methods that have been developed and employed by historians on the basis of different types of sources. Specifically for the mid-20th century, HIST 592 offers a close scrutiny of the İnönü years -- comprising the tail end of the one-party period, and opening up to the transformation of the political régime in the post-war era -- that simultaneously introduces the student to the ample primary sources of this crucial but often neglected era. Themes to be covered include : special focus on the Republican People's Party as a political organisation, and on the changing features of the one-party system, together with explorations of political, economic and cultural life. Aspects of Turkish foreign policy under İnönü. Frameworks of synchronic comparison with other one-party régimes, as well as of diachronic comparisons between the early and late phases of one-party rule in Turkey.
SU Credits : 3
ECTS Credit : 10
Prerequisite :
Corequisite :