Announcement Details

The Launch of the Computational Social Science lab at FASS

We are excited to announce our inter-faculty research laboratory on computational social sciences. In this lab, we will develop research projects with our collaborators and students from different faculties of Sabanci University to build conceptual and empirical bridges between various disciplines such as computer science, psychology, political science, economics and finance. Our goal is to develop novel approaches and use data science and theories from particular domains to address important societal problems such as detecting online manipulation in politics, economics and health, while also analyzing individual online activities to improve well-being. We are quite excited to create an environment to learn from each other and push the frontiers of knowledge accumulation together. Onur Varol from FENS, Gul Gunaydın, Emre Selçuk, İvan Lopez and Mert Moral from FASS are directly involved in the lab's research activities. All interested parties are welcome to follow our lab activities and join our work at our physical space at FASS, G012-13.