Announcement Details

SU Presidential Research Fund to Çiğdem Bağcı and Eren Günseli

FASS Faculty Members Çiğdem Bağcı and Eren Günseli have received the Sabanci University Presidential Research Fund.

Çiğdem Bağcı's proposal for the Sabanci University Presidential Research Fund support is entitled “When will toleration become a full acceptance? Antecedents and implications of toleration towards refugees in Turkey", and the project starts on January 1 2022, and will last 36 months.

Eren Günseli's proposal for the Sabanci University Presidential Research Fund support is entitled “Concert of memory systems: Why working memory reactivates information available in long-term memory? ". The project starts on January 1 2022, and will last 36 months.

We congratulate both, and wish them well in their upcoming research activities.